Lian Zhang

Lian Zhang

Client & Connector

Finding New Beginnings

Lian was born in Xiangzhou but lived in Beijing, China. She had an established career in media and completed a master’s degree in journalism and mass communication. But the aftermath of the Sichuan earthquake led Lian to join a charity organization responsible for providing psychological assistance to survivors. She began to re-evaluate her choices and look for opportunities to spend more time with her family and write another book. She saw a picture of downtown Charlottetown and took a leap of faith in 2013.

The Island’s quiet appeal was a perfect complement to her new aspirations. But the going was not so smooth, especially in the beginning. Lian was keen to join in community-building activities and pursue economic opportunities, and soon found PEI Connectors events to be just what she needed. “Of course, we had work experience in our country, but the experience here for the newcomer was just so different,” she says.

The most exciting thing is meeting people and talking about experiences from our motherland

Entrepreneurial Spirit and Community

Partnering with her husband, she bought the space where her rental properties, New Life Building and Cozy Plaza, now stand. Both spaces are available for business owners looking for office space. “The most exciting thing is meeting people and talking about experiences from our motherland,” she says.

Overcoming Challenges

The first two years after buying and outfitting both properties were difficult because it was a new experience. But her optimism and desire to set a good example for her daughter has helped her find her footing. Lian is currently on the Board of Directors of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) Foundation and is co-authoring a book entitled Prince Edward Island Diary with her daughter.